On-Site Microsoft Publisher Training Courses
Onsite Microsoft Publisher Training Sessions
Microsoft Publisher training in Sussex, Kent, Surrey or London, for members of staff in your business our MS specialists can help utilise they way the application is used. We offer an Essential & Advanced MS Publisher training course for version 2016, although we can cater for older versions such as 2010, & 2013. We would love to help you at your offices to ensure your staff are fully utilising Microsoft Publisher to improve productivity.
This essentials Publisher course from our Microsoft specialists will revolutionise the way your employees operate, increasing productivity. Please call us on 01892 665353 to get some more information on our MS training courses or send us an email.
On this 1 day Introduction to MS Publisher course, you will look at how to create a publication from scratch or use one of the hundreds of business and personal designs available in Publisher. Microsoft Publisher is an easy to use, flexible program for creating newsletters, brochures, business cards, postcards, flyers, among others for print, email, and the Web.
Time is available for practice exercises and to build skill during this day.
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